Tag, I’m it

Often, our blogs have taglines. But what if humans did, too? What would your tagline be?

What is a tagline?


Photo:  http://raise5.com/service-389

So, a personal tagline is about how you will be remembered.

I’m definitely not a Nagging Nellie or Miss Sunshine, even though the last one would have been nice.  I most certainly don’t do Sweetie or Poppie or anything like that.  How will I be remembered?

These three photos would probably describe me best:


Photo:  http://www.thepositivepear.com


Photo: http://inspirationalimages4ever.blogspot.com/


Photo: http://joannewadsworth.com/2013/04/15/inspirational-thoughts-from-me-to-you/

Now that was the easy part, painting the picture of how I would like to be remembered.  Big Question:

What do you think my tagline should be?

Here are what others had to say:

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Daily Prompt: Tagline « Mama Bear Musings
  2. Madder than the Hatter | Daily Prompt: Tagline | likereadingontrains
  3. Taglines : Me by them | Geek Ergo Sum
  4. Daily Prompt: Tagline | Mindful Splatter
  5. My Tag Line | Right Down My Alley
  6. Live, laugh, love… | Relax…

21 thoughts on “Tag, I’m it

  1. Pingback: If I Were a Tagline | New Visions

  2. Pingback: Over and over again… | Random, Assorted and Miscellaneous Thoughts

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Dear Telephone Solicitor | My Daily Prompt Blog

  4. Pingback: Tagline Me . . . | A Short A Day

  5. Pingback: MESS IN A DRESS | hastywords

  6. Pingback: My Life’s Tagline | Thriving Pessimist...

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  8. Pingback: Smorgasbord | mycookinglifebypatty

  9. Pingback: Blogging Is Like A Flea Market | The Jittery Goat

  10. Mmmm…tough question. What would be a good tagline for you? I think you need something that speaks about your willingness to try new things and your passion to fight wrongs when you find them at the same time.

    Miskien, “Beproef alles…en behou die goeie.”? 😉

  11. Pingback: Branded | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

  12. Pingback: Fool Me Once: The Prompt | The Daily Prompt Alternative

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